
My Favorite Things Project: My Guitar

About three years ago I picked up my dad's guitar to see if I could play anything on it. I printed out a chords sheet and, since I love playing by ear, I started trying to pick out individual notes to go along with the chords. I really enjoyed it, but I did have one problem: I couldn't keep callouses on my fingers!! After several months I started researching classical guitars, since they have nylon strings which are much easier to play. My dear Daddy got me this guitar (a Washburn C80) for Christmas 2008 and I have been "fiddlin' around" on it ever since!

I do have one question for y'all...does this picture make it look like it's in a coffin? My mom and sister said so....whaddya think?? :-)



I set it out in the front yard (this was in the middle of a terrible drought) and shot with my telephoto lens. I later edited the images in iPhoto and ran the "boost" action to make the somewhat-brown grass look a little greener. :-)

Because of Jesus,
Bekah Hope


KattyRae said...

Hmmmmm...I really hadn't thought about it looking like a coffin until you mentioned it. So i don't know now. My tendency is to say it doesn't because I didn't notice it until you said something. =)
Cool guitar, btw! =)

Rebekah said...

That's what I thought, too- you wouldn't think it was unless somebody told you! ::sigh of relief:: :-)

Zibber said...

The first pic looks like a coffin...the second one doesn't. :-) I think you play your guitar wonderfully, and I always enjoy watching the footage Em took of you playing your guitar at lake Tiak 'O Khata!