About Me

Hi there! I’m known to most people as Rebekah, but I have a complicated last name, so I figured I should name my business something that people could spell...hence the name Bekah Hope.

I love…
Beautiful music, good books, laughter, chocolate chip cookies, and life in general. I’m proud to be an American but even more proud to be from the South. I love country music and cowgirl boots just as much as an evening at the Symphony in high heels. I love my piano students and the girls that come to my house for Bible study. I really love my family—my mom and dad, and my twin sister, Sarah. I love long summer days and the cool, fresh breeze in the spring and fall. I love the last couple of hours in the day, right before the sun goes down, when the light is perfectly golden. I love big dreams and tight hugs, spending time with friends and bringing a smile to someone’s face.

My photography...
You're not likely to find me in a stuffy studio, shooting 15 images of the same pose (well, maybe not!), while you sit there and wonder when on earth will I ever be done. My favorite place to shoot is in the great outdoors, with God's beautiful creation as the backdrop. I like to shoot in natural light best, so it's rare that I ever use a flash. I shoot with a Canon DSLR and a 50mm f/1.4 portrait lens, and all of my editing is done in Lightroom 4. Most of all, I want to capture you and the ones you love in beautiful images that will last forever.

But the most important thing… 
There is only one reason why I live, and why this photography business even exists:
My LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. He says in His Word that if we abide in Him, we bear much fruit, and without Him we can do nothing. (John 15:5). He alone receives all the glory for all that I do. Without His saving grace, mercy, and faithfulness in my life, I wouldn’t be worth anything. My deepest desire is to please Him as I capture His beautiful creation: you!

In the words of one of my favorite songs:

I will not boast in any thing
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

{Phillips, Craig & Dean | How Deep the Father’s Love for Us}


Anonymous said...


I love that song so much too. The girls and I love to sing that as a special in church.

Mrs. G.

Hannah said...

hahaaaa... I have a complicated last name, too... hence the Hannah Ruth. =) gotta love it! =)