I love it. :-)
If you're not from the South, or you haven't ever had a nice, cool, refreshing glass of tea....well, bless your heart!!! You just come on down to my house any time and set a spell and we'll drink sweet tea, y' hear? Just let me know. :-)

Because of Jesus,
Bekah Hope
I"m from the south, but I think I still may take you up on that offer! ;)
You're welcome to, any time!! We'd love for you girls to come visit us!! :-)
Bekah!!!!! I loved sitting here looking at your awesome blog! I miss you and can't wait to see you! Oh and I love me some sweet tea!!
Megan!!!!! Wow that means a lot to me that you would take time out of your CRAAAAAZY busy music-major-schedule to check out my blog!!!! :-) We love and miss you bunches!!!!!!! Praying for you sis!! ((HUGS))
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