
My Favorite Things Project: My girls' Bible study group

I have the great blessing of leading a Bible study/discipleship group for about a dozen girls in our area, so I wanted to include a picture representing them. This is what I came up with- and if you've ever tried taking a picture of a candle in low light you know it's not the easiest thing in the world! Thank goodness for an image-stabilized lens!

To all my Bible study girls, I love you dearly and pray you will always reflect the light of Christ wherever you go!


Because of Jesus,
Bekah Hope


Mockingbird said...

Wow, I was positively awestruck when I saw this. Great job, as always!


Rebekah said...

Thank you so much, Mockingbird!! :-) I had fun figuring out how to shoot it (at night, on my bedroom floor with the lights out)!