Next up on the list for my Favorite Things Project: my favorite books! I love to read and these are just a few of the books I have enjoyed the most over the years. :-)
A little bit about each:
Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot- a compilation of Mrs. Elliot's letters to her daughter, Valerie, when she was engaged. Some of the best pre-marital advice in the world- so full of wisdom from Scripture and her own life experiences.
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery- oh, Anne with an "e"!
I have always loved her!! Though not quite as avid a writer as she, or as dramatic :-) I do think she is a "kindred spirit". :-)
My Bible- my well-worn, very much loved KJV that my parents gave me when I was 9 years old.
Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally- I am so thankful Sarah wrote this book! I would highly recommend it to any young woman.
At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon- you can't be a true Southerner and not like the Mitford books!! The sweet, simple, and often humorous lives of Father Tim and the other residents of a fictional small town in North Carolina are much loved by my family.
Life and Campaigns of Lieut. Gen. Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson by Robert Lewis Dabney- I was reading this 742-page biography at the time this picture was taken, so I included it in the stack. I must admit I got only about 200 pages into it before Dr. Dabney (who was Gen. Jackson's close friend and adjutant) lost me in the mountains of western Virginia. I did enjoy reading the first part about General Jackson's childhood and his life before the Civil War; Dr. Dabney's explanation of why the war happened was quite interesting. Stonewall will always be my favorite Civil War general with the exception of Robert E. Lee. :-)
Joyfully at Home by Jasmine Baucham- I had been reading Jasmine's blog for quite a while when she announced she'd written a book, and I knew it would be good- is it ever! Both she and her dad, Dr. Voddie Baucham, have such a gift for careful, thorough explanation of the Word.
So Much More by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin- the LORD used what the Botkin sisters wrote to change a lot of things in my family, and we are so thankful!! I would very highly recommend this book and
Joyfully at Home to any young woman earnestly desiring to follow God's Word for her life!
There are
so many more I could have included...what are your favorites? Shout them out in the comment section!
Because of Jesus,
Bekah Hope