So that's why it's 7:00 in the morning and I'm posting pictures that should have been posted yesterday. :D
Week 6!
The light shining on/through the leaves was so pretty yesterday morning...
A lizard was enjoying it, too...
I kept forgetting to take a picture of the purse I made a couple weeks ago! I used this pattern (found on Pinterest) and I really like how it turned out. It's pretty simple to make and the perfect size!...
Back Bay in's a lot prettier now that the "islands" aren't all brown. :)
I have a rather funny liking of Ford trucks, and while we were sitting in the car, waiting for Daddy to get shrimp, I figured I'd take a picture of the brand new one next to us. :)
If you aren't from the Coast you won't get the significance of the shark head picture but y'all. That building and great big ol' jaws were landmarks here for years and years- Katrina all but destroyed it and just last year they started rebuilding!!! So maybe one day (this year?) you'll see pictures of Sharkheads Souvenirs. :D
We got to visit with a very dear friend who has been like a grandmother to Sarah and me ever since we were 2 years old...
And Sarah and I celebrated our birthday a day early with frappuccinos!

I'll hopefully post pictures (and video!) this week of an amaaaaaazing concert we went to featuring the Annie Moses Band...and Sarah's getting-ready-for-the-wedding pictures. Still workin' on it. :)
Have a great week!
Because of Jesus,