The Annie Moses Band, named for their great-grandmother, is a family group comprised of siblings Annie, Alex, Benjamin, Camille, Gretchen, and Jeremiah, along with their parents, renowned songwriters Bill and Robin Wolaver. I would write more, but I'd encourage you to head over to their website and read about them yourself!
Okay, now that you've read about them, you may be wondering why I'm doing a blog post about them! Well, a couple of months ago I just so happened to check their website; I hadn't done so in a while and wondered what they'd been up to lately. Imagine my surprise and delight to look over at the Tour dates on the sidebar...and see that they were going to be in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, on March 25th!
I knew we couldn't miss this incredible opportunity, so we quickly made plans with our dear friend Scarlett (featured in this blog post). So, on Sunday afternoon, the Twenty-fifth of March, we headed down to the absolutely darling little coastal town of Ocean Springs, got a bite to eat at Sonic, and scurried over to First Baptist - just in time to find a seat! It was a glorious evening and we enjoyed every minute of it!
So...I thought you'd enjoy seeing some pictures from the concert!

Because of Jesus,