One of the benefits of living down here is that flowers bloom in the winter time! Yes, seriously, you northerners (if any of you ever read this blog) should be jealous. We've got several sasanqua bushes in our front yard, and as soon as the weather gets a little bit colder, they burst into bloom. So of course I took some pictures, and thought you would enjoy them!

Our great big Bradford Pear tree has turned a dozen different shades of orange and brown- it's about the only fall color we have down here, but it's beautiful!

(we hang several ears of Indian corn on our front door in the fall- the light shining on it was so pretty!)
Remember the last post, where I showed you the mandolin I was borrowing? Well, I was practicing it one night a few weeks ago, and, next thing you know, my family was telling me that I had to either give it back or practice outside or get a different one that sounded better.
Anyways, I did some research and found out about this one...from The Mandolin Hut...and ordered it...and a couple of days before Thanksgiving, it arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to Kentucky mandolin!

(Hey! There's me!)

Speaking of videos...a few weeks ago I happily discovered the wonderful music-making duo of Drew and Ellie Holcomb...and I thought you would enjoy them, too!
Last but not's impossible not to get into the Christmas spirit when you watch this!
That's it for now- check back soon, though, 'cause I've got a couple of photoshoots lined up for this week!!! :)
Because of Jesus,