The sky above the cross at Lake Junaluska (see previous post)

We were close to the bustling (during tourist season, that is) mountain town of Waynesville, and we three girls had the.best.time.ever browsing in all the little shops. This was one of our favorites- can you believe those drawings are done in colored pencil?!?

Sarah and I got this ENORMOUS donut at a bakery on Main Street- seriously, the picture doesn't do it justice. And it was soooo good. :)

A couple of days we drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway for a couple of hours...

Thank you, rock wall, for holding my camera! :)

It was no fun driving through clouds...and with bicyclists all along the road, too! A little scary.

(Whoops, this wasn't from the parkway- it's actually the view from the house of the friend of my grandmother whose family built the open-air house the pictures from which are in the previous post. WHEW!)

Cute car. :)

YES IT WAS COLD OUTSIDE! Well, not really. :) We were used to 90˚ at home, with 100% humidity. So it felt really good. Yay for having to wear jackets in the middle of August!!

Okay. See how there are three little dips, so to speak? The one farthest away- on the horizon, basically- is Lake Junaluska.

We have an almost identical picture from 7 years ago and thought we'd re-create it. :)

This absolutely gorgeous place is the Balsam Mountain Inn! The campground we were staying at is just down the road from it, and whenever we'd go to and from we'd see the sign. So one afternoon we three girls decided to check it out...and ohmygoodness what a beautiful place!!

We all GASPED when we looked over and saw this.

A hammock in the bathroom? Of course! Actually, when they brought the old inn back to life, they took what once were 3 rooms and made them into 1 suite- bathroom, bedroom, and sitting room. So they needed to do something to take up all that extra space. :)

You may recognize this place: the Biltmore Estate, America's largest home! Daddy graciously paid for Sarah and me to explore it one day (the tickets aren't cheap!) and we had so much fun.

It's a gorgeous place!!

Chicken salad croissants are the best lunch ever. :)

Thank you to the lady who took our picture, whoever she is! She and her friend asked if we'd take their picture, and said she'd take ours, too. Funny thing was, it was like my brain and fingers instantly forgot how to take pictures and I stood there fiddling with it like I have no clue how to work a camera!

Photography wasn't allowed in the main house, but I had to get some pictures of the grounds. Beautiful!

Since we'd been spoiled by the cool temperatures up in the mountains, it felt terribly hot walking around outside in the bright sun. We really appreciated the FREE cups of ice water we could get at multiple different places!

We split a chocolate fudge brownie sundae....oh wow. It was soooo good!

The front of the house...absolutely magnificent! With a bit of Southern charm to it, too. :)

Here we are the morning we left the campground- a bit sad to leave! We had some really sweet neighbors and had so much fun visiting with them every afternoon- so they took this picture for us. :)

When we were on our way to South Carolina to see Daddy's family, we knew we'd be ready to eat lunch somewhere near Spartanburg. We begged Daddy to take us to the famous Beacon Drive-In and he obliged us!

The Beacon is famous for its unhealthy-but-so-good food but mostly for its sweet tea. We figured out what makes it different: regular sweet tea with a bit of lemonade!

We spent several days visiting Daddy's family in central South Carolina, and we knew we couldn't leave without baking his dad a carrot cake. He loves it! (And we do, too!)

My grandmother is who Sarah and I get our musical genes from...she wrote this lullaby for us when we were born! We were SO excited to find it in the piano bench- we didn't know she'd actually written it out. She sang it to us all the time when we were little. :)

Here we are!! They are doing SO well in their assisted living apartment (you may remember, Sarah and Daddy were up there for 5 weeks this spring to help them move in, right when our grandfather was recovering from back surgery). It was so good to see them!!

We stayed in their house, even though most of the furniture is gone and it's for sale- and we took walks around their beautiful neighborhood in the evenings. We always stopped to see two sweet Labs...this one is Tiger (his family are Clemson fans :))...

...and we don't know what this one's name is, but we've always called him Bear. He's huge but SO sweet!
And that, my friends, wraps up our trip! Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Because of Jesus,